-Jean Paul Richter
23 days old
Easton 1 lbs 14 ounces
Carter 2 lbs 2 ounces
So I really need to blog daily because after two days it's hard to remember everything that happens. On Saturday Steven and I headed to the hospital for morning care. Carter was being a good little boy! He was digesting all his feedings like a champ!! The doctor thinks that hopefully Monday they will start giving him 2ml every 3 hours. We are excited because more milk means growing boy. All of Carter's meds are being weaned and his oxygen levels are at 27%. Sunday Carter had another good day. As I was changing his diapers and had just put a brand new diaper on he thought it would be fun to take a poo! So I had to change him again. I could change his diapers all day because he is so dang cute and it's really the only interaction I get to have with him right now. I can't wait for the day that I get to hold my sweet Carter and Easton. I never thought during my pregnancy I would not be able to hold these sweet boys when they were born. Some days it's really hard for me but I know the day will come when I can hold these precious boys in my arms! They only bad news for Carter and Easton is that the fluid in their brain has increased by 1 cm since Wednesday! We need lots of prayer for Carter and Easton, for the fluid in there brains to drain properly and go away.
Easton has some really good news for everyone!! On Saturday night at his 10:30 cares I was changing his diapers and our prayers had been answered, he had a poopie!! We even took a picture of it because we were so excited! Don't worry I wont post the picture. It had been over 10 days since Easton had pooped and I am sure it made his tummy feel better. Easton is still on the oscillator but all the settings where low so we where hoping Sunday he would be able to switch to the ventilator.
Sunday Steven and I went to the hospital for morning cares and Easton had another poopie!! His x-rays of his stomach looked better but still enlarged. Easton had 2 more good stinky diapers today so I can't wait to see how his x-rays look tomorrow morning! We are hoping he can start on breast milk tomorrow. We just got a call from our nurse and at 10:30 Easton got moved to the ventilator! We are so proud of him.
This is Easton yawning after we had said good night.
Keep praying for both Carter and Easton. Your prayers are what keep them going. I met a girl at the hospital the other day that had carried twins and tragically lost one of her babies after being born at 24 weeks. I am convinced that the power of prayer and God's divine intervention has keep both of our boys with us. Steven and I feel a great joy in being able to have these two sweet spirits in our lives. God has blessed us so much!
yay for poop!! I DID take a picture when my kids first pooped in the potty AND posted it on my blog..hahahaha!!! LOve reading your updates and we are praying that there are many more good days ahead of you!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome! I LOVE bowel movements! I'm so glad they're coming along. They're definitely sooo cute! Who do they look like the most? So Lauren, I was wondering if you sing to them? I've just always been curious if music helps preemies or not. Just wondering. Well, we're still praying for you guys and thanks for updating us on them!
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy that everything is going ok. The pictures are so awesome! They look so small yet they both look like they are fighters!
ReplyDeleteWe are praying for you guys!
I get goose bumps reading about your precious little boys. I am so happy that they are good fighters.
ReplyDeleteWe are so excited by their progress! Yay for poopy diapers!!! You are doing a great job Lauren and Steven!!!
ReplyDeleteBrittney I dont sing to them because I am sure they would hate hearing my horrible voice. I will play music for them when they are in an open crib. ;:)