Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bring on the MILK!!!

Carter and Easton are both drinking mom's milk. So this update is going to include Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but hey we blog when we can. Lauren spends all her spare time at the hospital and i am waking up at 4:30 to go to work, the hospital and back in bed by 10:30. Anyways back to the boys, Carter is up to getting 3 Ml (milliliters) every 3 hours.
Carter After the puffiness went down

*Fun Fact - a Teaspoon has 5 Ml. in it.

 Our little Easton is now getting 1 Ml. every 3 hours, an upgrade from the 1 Ml. every 6 hours earlier this week.
Easton after his first feed.

Both boys are pooping now, a welcome sight after the scare of Easton not pooping for almost two weeks. Easton and Carter's Heads are still getting fuller and bigger with fluid, a concern thought has brought the Neuro-surgeon to their bedsides to evaluate them regularly. The boys seem to be getting used to their ventilators, as they continue to get weaned on the oxygen percentage. Carter is down to around 28% oxygen and Easton is at around 32%.

*Fun Fact - room air is approximately 21% oxygen.

The boys are still considered to be in critical condition, even though they have been weaned of the narcotics, are on ventilators, eating every 3 hours and are lively at care times. It is so fun to see a smile and big blue beautiful eyes looking at you when they are awake. We can only hope that this is just the beginning of the good days ahead.


  1. I love my little Benjamin Button:) and Easton sucking on his fingers is so precious! We'll be holding them in no time:)

  2. I'm glad they are doing well. They are so adorable. They look like they are getting stronger everyday. :-)

  3. Oh so cute! Yay for Mama's milk! Grow babies, grow! My twins continue to pray for yours!!!
