Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another Day in the NICU

So a nurse asked me yesterday "how many days have you guys been here?" I had to think about it for a minute and it's been 75 days! I can't believe I have survived 75 days in the NICU and still have months before my little guys come home. I have to remind myself daily to take one day at a time.

I missed blogging on the boys 10 weeks and 34 weeks gestational so here are there weights:
Carter is a chubby 5 lbs!!! I love every single roll on his cute little body
Easton is my lean fit man at 4 lbs 2 oz. He is slowly gaining the lb's and lost all his water weight.

News about Carter this week, he has been lowered to 2 liters on the vapotherm and his oxygen stays around 26 percent. He is eating 40 ml every 3 hours which is a little over an ounce. On Oct. 2 Carter tried to breast feed for the first time! It was such an amazing experience. He only lasted about 20 sucks but I am so proud of him! Then on Oct. 3rd we tried the bottle for the first time, he has the suck and swallow down but not the whole breathing part. Preemie's have a hard time getting all 3 of those down so it will just take time and patience. Hopefully he will be a champ at it soon! Carter's head ultrasound still looks stable and no need for a shunt at this time. The only problem Carter has been having is constipation, poor little guy just needs to poo! He is on a 27 calories and bena-protiens, so hopefully when he is just on straight breast milk he won't have this problem. Carter has also been transferred to a "big boy" crib. He looks so small compared to this crib. We were able to put up his mobile and have music playing for him. It was fun for Steven and I to decorate his little "room" with pictures and toys.

Easton was extubated on Friday and is still on Si-pap!!  I am so proud of him! He still needs about 45 percent oxygen but I am praying over time he will get stronger and will require less. The opthamologist checked his eyes and said they still don't look good but it usually won't start to improve for another week. I guess the disease is in a pretty bad spot in his eyes. I am praying daily for a miracle and hope my little boy will be able to see! Easton did not have a head ultrasound this week and I am not sure why but his head size has gone down which I am so happy about!! He will have a head ultrasound next week to see if the size of the ventricles have gotten smaller. Easton's diaphragm is still not moving like they want it to. They are not talking about a surgery yet because they want to give it more time to see if it can start moving like it should.

Both boys are given lasix twice a day to pee off all the extra fluid so it's easier for them to breath. Here are some cute pictures from this week.
While I was holding skin to skin with Carter he decided he wanted to move his head and look at me. :)

Carter giving me the "why are you waking me up face".

Easton is big boy clothes and on the Sipap

Easton thinking this Sipap head gear is crazy!

Eyes open after surgery and still a little puffy. :(


  1. My heart melts over all the pictures, but the first one is THE sweetest. These boys are so strong - you must be one proud mommy (and daddy too!)

  2. Aww, such sweet little boys. I love to read about them.

  3. You guys are troopers! That is a long time to be there but there is so much love there. You guys are very inspiring!
