Where is my bottle mom! |
Carter had been NPO (nothing per oral) since 12 am. Even though he was hungry he was still a happy little man and loved all the attention and kisses his parents where giving him. As Steven and I rolled Carter down the long hallway over to the O.R. in another building. As tears rolled down my face, I kept telling myself everything is going to be okay and my Carter is a strong boy. I never thought when I became a mother that I would have to see my child endure such a major surgery and have to trust others with my sons life. As we waited for Carters return to the NICU we loved on Easton. Carter returned to the NICU around 12pm and he was intubated and still on the ventilator. We were hoping he would be off the vent and breathing on this own but he was just to sedated to wake up. As I saw his little head the shunt was a lot bigger then I thought it would look. Doctor McNatt the surgeon came and talked with Steven and I and said everything went well and there was no complications. As we left tonight he was still on the vent and sedated. We are hoping by morning he will wake up from the anesthesia so he can start breathing on his own.
So if a brain surgery was not enough for one day both of the boys got their eyes checked. Both of the boys have had laser eye surgery due to ROP. Dr. Ruben the ophthalmologist said that Carters' eyes looked a lot better and he was really happy with the progress from the laser. Dr. Ruben stated that he is very concerned with Easton's eyes, saying they are no better and might even look worse! His eyes still have a lot of plus disease which can cause blindness. I can't even imagine my precious boy not being able to see the world! I am not sure at this point if there is anything else the doctor can do. Tomorrow Doctor Ruben has asked a collegue of his to come and give us a second opinion. We are trying to learn as much as possible about avastinan injection that should help but has not yet been approved by the F.D.A. People call it a "miracle drug" it has been studied in Texas but not much in small children and infants. We pray we will not need to go this route and that heavenly father feels the same way.
Thank you for all the love and support.